
Waste of energy

Not many countries allow this days such a waste of energy. Many of these new compounds that are builded up in a short period of time seem to have no technical design to spare heat or electricity. Everything that is linked with welfare means spend. A room that will need just two lights, will use for sure six lights. It's also a tradition of the chinese restaurants to show how generous and prosperous they are by giving enormous proportions of food. And the last example: they founded 18 years ago a super football stadium in Beijing. Now , they considered that it wasn’t enough modern for the Olympic Games and teared it down for a new one.

And don't try to take a taxi or to go to a shopping mall during the summer, the Air Conditioning is so strong that you will get flu.

I think about these issues when I remember the words that the chinese foreign ministry addressed last week at a press conference after being asked about the last
UN summit for the climate change and the efforts that there were requested to China. For the chinese government it is clear that the environmental problems of the earth are a matter that concerns specially the rich countries, the ones that the last two centuries have contaminated more. Maybe the Chinese authorities are more conscious of their responsibility that we think because they have started a plan to reduce the Co2 emissions in three years by 10%. In many other things you also perceive that they really want to avoid the mistakes that commited other powers.

I have the feeling that only the people that don’t love nature, don’t understand what’s happening in the world.
Yu Kongjian, a prestigious teacher of urbanism in Beijing, thinks that in his country the big majority hate nature. Now the elites realize that they need nature.

You have the example of China, defending themselves, and you have the example of Germany, where a
top politician asks the people to buy Japanese autos because they are environmentally better than the Germans.

La cosa més estranya que m´ha passat avui? Obrir la nevera del centre de premsa del ministeri d’Exteriors, al pis 19 de la Prime Tower de Beijing, i trobar-me dues truites congelades (de les de riu, no de les fetes amb ous).

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3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Home, per fi he trobat el teu bloc!
Quan vingui de viatge a Pequín quedarem per sopar, d'acord?
Al Vincet i a mi ens agrada molt el que estàs fent des de Pequín. Sort i fins aviat!

thinktheopposite dijo...

Molt interessant el Blog Waste of Energy, a veure si aconseguiu amb els vostres articles inculcar a l'Occident les bonances que tinguin els xinesos!!!
I els inculqueu les bones cosetes que tmb tenim!!!
1 abraçada i disfruteu mooolt!!!
xavi vázquez

Cristian Segura dijo...

Salvador, El teu missatge és una sorpresa. Doncs encantat si vens o veniu. Gràcies de nou pel suport I Lamento haver fallat en la nostra trobada a Barcelona.
Fins la propera,